Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our very own "ghost" friend

As an educator and someone relatively informed in childhood development, I've always thought imaginary friends to be healthy and somewhat cute. Now that Wyatt has one, it is a little more difficult to grasp. I understand the concept, but seeing him actually talk to his friend...full-on conversations...is a little unnerving to me. He calls her his "ghost friend" and her name is Isabella.

Here's what one of the Doctors from that TV show The Drs. had to say recently:

“In terms of imaginary friends, they’re actually a good thing,” Dr. Jim says. “It’s a sign of a good imagination and it’s a sign of intelligence. But I recommend to parents, get to know your child’s imaginary friend.”

Dr. Jim explains that by getting to know the made-up playmate, parents can gain insight into their child’s feelings. To do so, he recommends asking questions such as what he or she looks and acts like.

Dr. Jim also advises holding the child accountable if he or she does something wrong and blames the invented sidekick by explaining that they are still responsible for the friend’s actions.

Wyatt has yet to try to blame anything on Isabella. If he does...I'll be ready!

This is currently Wyatt's favorite picture of himself. Looks like he's seen a ghost, perhaps?


Kristin said...

This post made me laugh! cute.

Tamsyn Carter said...

Jason started out with one friend named Gogger and gradually added until he had 4, the only one I can remember was The Captain. He did blame things on Gogger frequently. It was really cute but I worried about it. I'm glad to know it's healthy! Wyatt is so cute!