Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pre-K Graduation

OK, my first thought (and maybe yours) this really necessary? Pre-K Graduation? But it was very cute and his last day as a preschooler, so I suppose it can do no harm. Each child got to come up and share something special. Wyatt shared his state quarter collection and his Hot Wheel collection. Then Teacher Debbie read a paragraph about each child and tried not to cry. I copied Wyatt's below. Now on to KINDERGARTEN!!

"Wyatt is a very quick learner and always has good ideas to add to our class discussions. He loves to entertain his friends and make them laugh, and is excited to participate in every activity. He's very sensitive and likes everyone to get along. When it's free play time, he's at the center of the action and loves coming up with new ideas for having fun. Good job, Wyatt!"

~Teacher Debbie June 14, 2010


LP said...

Funny, Dylan has the exact same shirt. They could wear them in their next dance off/air guitar show!

Tracy said...

I know...I remember you saying you had it. I thought it might be the same one. Let's take their portrait together! (As if they would hold still for that!)