Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yes, today was Wyatt's first day. We handled it extremely well if I do say so myself. No tears shed at all. Of course, I was super-busy and so was Wyatt so who has time for tears? It's only when I have those quiet reflective moments that I think too much and realize this is my first & last day to do this particular special thing. Now, inch by inch he starts to gain his independence and I start to loosen those strings. He did hold my hand all the way home...

Wyatt's sweet teacher, Mrs. Perman, has won us over already!

Wyatt and Anna walking to the school. She's a first-grader and has been showing us the ropes!

Wy and his buddy, Isaac are in the same class at John Muir Elementary!

All smiles waiting in line for school to start.

This is how I left him, doing his morning work!


Diane said...

I can't believe time has flown by so fast!

Kristin said...

So cute! What a big day. Congratulations. Look how studious he is already, his parents must be so smart!

Tamsyn Carter said...

Oohhhhh! What a bittersweet day! You're glad for alone time but it is the beginning of their leaving you. They start to have other strong influences in their lives that you don't have much control over. It's never the same again but the new chapters are fun too.