Monday, May 28, 2012


I am feeling really grateful this Memorial Day for many things, but freedom is on the top of my list. I visited many former Communist countries in the last year and while the people of, say Poland and the Czech Republic are enjoying their relatively new freedom, there is a noticeable aftermath of Communism in the older generations especially. I recall going to a museum in Prague that was guarded by many in the over 60 age group and they were very stern to our group and not afraid to shout at the students should one of them wandered too close to a work of art or sit down on a step.

This Czech memorial to victims of the Communist regime consists of a line of crumbling statues representing different phases of a human figure’s destruction.

I also felt truly humbled after my visit to Auschwitz/Birkenau. I couldn't imagine living under Nazi rule and doubt I could have survived it.
Original fence (no longer electrified) and watch tower at Birkenau work prison, Poland.

I am grateful for the men and women who have fought and given their lives to keep my freedom in place. I am grateful for those who continue to serve.
Thank you.

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