Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Final Stretch

I have two weeks left in the contest. I'm obviously not going to meet my goal of 50 lbs gone in 91 days and I'm having a hard time staying motivated this week. I'm still struggling a bit with the insomnia, but it's getting better because I'm on spring break and able to sleep in a bit in the mornings. I found this list today and I'm going to try to work on a few of these things for the next two weeks.

Step 1

"Find small ways to reward yourself. Brainstorm ways to reward yourself when meeting your goals. For example, purchase a new outfit when you are half-way to your goal weight. Or, treat yourself to a movie when you continue to work out, despite a stressful week at the office."
I'm looking forward to a new haircut/color and maybe a mani-pedi is in the mix...we'll see!!!


Step 2

"Set aside a small amount of calories for a daily "treat". MayoClinic.com recommends limiting consumption of sweets. However, if you never have sweets again, you might feel deprived, leading to loss of motivation. Set aside 75 calories or less for a treat daily. Pre-measure the serving size to avoid overeating."
I LOVE sugar-free dark chocolate jello pudding cups and I've been avoiding them! Not this week!

I am avoiding setting another weight loss number goal, but my goal for the next two weeks is to stick to my eating plan and to exercise 5-6 days a week. If I can do those things, I will be happy at the final weigh-in, no matter what the scale says.


Diane said...

Focus on what you've accomplished so far, not what you haven't accomplished. Look how far you've come, and how you've changed habits - that's really what will stick with you and make this work long term.

It's amazing how far you've come! You're an inspiration!

Kristin said...

You are amazing! Don't lose sight of your goal, it might just be a little more time. Regardless you have made a huge difference and are such a great inspiration and motivator. I'm seriously so impressed how you put yourself out there. you rock!