Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 70, Fifth Weigh-in

Well, I've hit a plateau...sort of. Interesting results this weigh-in due to some factors going on in my life. I lost one pound. 29 total in the contest and I dropped down to 13th place. I'm not really upset or surprised.
I felt a lot of stress the last two weeks, mostly due to two factors....INSOMNIA and Joint Pain; both wicked and playing against each other as a perfect storm. I can't sleep because my joints hurt and my joints hurt because I can't sleep. So, I back off my workouts and I eat a little more to ease my stress. Then, guess what? The scale does not cooperate! Interesting how that works. So, what to do?

Today I had a true free day with no exercise other than lava monster and balloon volleyball with the young Plank. Also, no counting portions, grams of anything, or reading labels. I just needed it. Then, tomorrow, back to the grind for the final push. I've been looking through old photos and am really feeling happy and proud of how far I've come. One thing I've noticed lately...and this will sound weird to some of how easily I can sit criss-cross-applesauce at preschool and that I can get up and down from the floor with ease, even if there's a bit of strain in the knees. It is really miraculous to realize this change and something I've struggled with and looked forward to for a while.

Now, I just need to get my pain relief figured out and I will be golden! I'd like to finish this thing on April 17th in the top 10.

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