Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Train

Last Saturday, we rode the Northwest Train Museum's Santa Train from North Bend to Snoqualmie and saw the man himself. Wyatt was particulalry impressed with the red chocolate chip cookies we had. It was fun to ride with our friends, the Stewarts. Wyatt got a wooden toy train from Santa and told him that he wanted "Eve" for Christmas, although I believe that Santa might bring "Wall-e" instead...just a hunch.


Ruth and Paul said...

What did he mean by "eve"? I can't figure that one out! Cute pictures! I've always wanted to go on that train ride.

Ruth and Paul said...

ooops, I need to change that. "About Us" is Ruth.

Tracy said...

Wyatt's favorite movie right now is WAll-E. He wants a toy "Eve", Wall-e's girlfriend' to play with. Unfortunatley, he told me he wanted Wall-E ealier and I bought one of the last ones. (It moves and talks--it's sooo cute). The "Eve"s are all sold out now, too. Oh, well...