Wyatt gets easily obsessed with things, then he lives, breathes, and thinks about this thing until it has run it's course. It happened with ABCs, puzzles, Curious George and Little Einsteins, The United States & capitals, I Spy books, etc...
A few weeks ago I played the song
Island in the Sun by Weezer in the car and Wyatt fell in love.
(hip hip) We've now completed listening to each of the six albums we own plus a few of the songs from the new album we found online--with a few edits from Mom.
Hash Pipe is not one I want to explain at this point. Thanks to search engines and websites we know more than we ever wanted to know about Weezer, or as Wyatt calls them, The Weezers. I tried to explain the band name concept but he will not accept the singular if there are 4 band members. "Mom, the Beatles...get it?" I've let it go...
Now my days are full of all sorts of interesting Weezer questions.
"Mom, how old are the Weezers? Do they live together in the same house? Are the Weezers cousins, friends, or brothers? Do they have kids?"
If I say I don't know, he makes up the answers: "I think some of them are cousins and some are friends and they all live in their house together so they can all play whenever they want. They are probably 25 and don't have any kids 'cause their too busy playing music."
He's taken to calling himself Brian Bell and playing the air guitar. In the car he wears sunglasses and combs his hair into his eyes in a certain way before playing said air guitar. We've created a monster...
How young is too young for guitar lessons?