Monday, January 23, 2012

Week One

Week One: Challenges and Successes
The view from our bedroom window on Snow Day One

As most of you probably experienced Snowmageddon 2012 last week I don't have to tell you that getting out of the house was a bit of a challenge. I was very motivated to exercise and met my goals in that department using what we have in the house, some trips to the sledding hill, and finally to the gym when the roads cleared up. I enjoy exercise for the most part so I am usually pretty motivated to get it done.

The diet has proven more of a challenge. I am currently eating & drinking a high-protein, low carb plan from Yoli called the Better Body System. The first week is the fast track plan and is really heavy on the meal replacement shakes and healthy protein snacks. I like the shakes and was never hungry, but found some difficulty with severe nausea I was not expecting. It is frustrating to be doing this and to feel sick. I read some things online and realized that it would likely pass and today I felt great all day. I have followed the plan for almost a week and am expecting to see some weight loss at the gym tomorrow. (We "officially" weigh in every two weeks, but I will check in with my trainer tomorrow.) It does help me to stick to the plan knowing it has an end date and knowing I'll be writing about it.:) I'm trying not to obsess about the scale.

I've also been having some issues with my eyes this week...pain and headaches. This is often, but not always a precursor to a flare-up of the scleritis, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. I see my specialist next week so we'll see how that goes. It's out of my control!

Today was fairly easy as it was a regular work/gym/family day and I was happily busy all day. I would be grateful if the snow incidents were a thing of the past for 2012 and I could remain on schedule.

I truly appreciate the wonderful emails and comments from you. I read and re-read them when I am feeling discouraged and it gives me such a lift. Thank you.

8 days until weigh-in #1.


Diane said...

You're doing great, and motivating a lot of us.

Paul Plank said...

That picture looks like Quincy. When Wyatt and I were sledding I was noticing how many pine trees we have around here. They look so beautiful with snow on them. Of course branches fall and power goes out, too, so that's not so good.

Crystal said...

you are awesome!! Keep it up and thanks for sharing, it is inspiring.