Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Yesterday was one of those days I hope to duplicate through this process. My trainer was tough, but I got through the session really strong and didn't feel like I wanted to throw up once! (Well, maybe at the very end...) I got on the scale and saw that I had lost 6 pounds. I was pleasantly surprised. I want to lose 10-12 for the first two week weigh-in so that puts me right on target.

I also volunteered in Wyatt's classroom which is always a boost to the mood. His teacher is so positive and energetic it is just contagious. And she had me do a fun science experiment with the kids involving ice and fun!

My sister-in-law gave me a tip about occasionally adding some things to my shakes to have a little variety. After such a great day, I decided my dinner treat would be a chocolate YOLI shake with 1 T Adam's peanut butter blended in. The result was so yummy I could not stop talking about it. Paul and Wyatt think I'm a little kooky but I don't care.

I'm so motivated for week TWO!

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