Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 14, First Weigh-In

I had a really roller-coaster day today. I was stuck at the eye doctor for most of the morning doing nothing. I feel like I'm a slave to his schedule because I'm the patient and he's the specialist that is overbooked because he leads the field in my condition. Ughhhhh... On a high note, I don't have to go back for 3 months!
Anyway, I had to vent...Now to the good stuff.

Wyatt had a half day for conferences today. We had time to play games and do some things together before I left to workout. I like those kind of days. We made his hair into a mohawk, he killed me in WAR, we jogged a bit around the neighborhood (he said he is my running coach, haha) and we laughed at an old 1950s episode of Dennis the Menace...It's awesome and on Netflix streaming. Then he had a friend over and I had some time to myself:)
My first official weigh-in showed great results. I've lost 12.5 pounds and was truly cheering for myself! There were people all over the place with weigh loss (and gain) but everyone cheered no matter what and it was a really positive experience. It was funny to see my trainer's face...I think he was a little surprised. As most of you know, I can be a little shy, so maybe he was surprised that I cheered so loud or maybe that I had actually lost that much. Whatever...I did it!

Now, I need to stay motivated for the long haul!


Crystal said...

You look awesome!! Good job.

Diane said...

So great!!! Good work. You're inspiring.

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!!! :) You look great!!! Way to stay motivated