Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 56, Fourth Weigh-In

I want to say thanks to those of you who have supported me so much through this process...your comments and emails mean a lot to me. It's really fun seeing people I haven't seen for a few months and don't know what I'm up to. They go through this mental process of "I want to say something, but I don't know what to say...", or just look really confused. It's pretty fun!

On Tuesday night we had a group (as in all the people weighing in, so over 100) workout. We had a competition to see who could finish 100 jumping jacks, 75 squats, 50 crunches, and 25 push-ups first. That would be the team to weigh-in first. Our team finished 4th out of 10, so that was pretty good. While the other teams were weighing in, we alternated doing burpees (see pic below), mountain climbers and standing knees to elbows. I believe burpees are created by the devil and should be called "crappies". It was not an easy night, especially considering all these sweaty, stinky bodies were packed together, but I did it, if modified at some point, and had good results at the weigh-on. Overall, a good night.

I lost 6.5 pounds at since last time bringing my grand total to 28 pounds for the contest and 67 pounds from my highest weight. I am currently 8th on the rankings list for my gym. I'm very proud of myself. I have 22 pounds left to lose to make my goal. I'm confident that I will get there by summer! Then I will have only 20 left to my desired weight for life...amazing that it is in reach!


Layne said...

Congrats on being 8th! You are working your way to #1! Either way, your lifestyle changes are inspiring! I hate burpies too - we called them "spawn of satan" for a while, so I totally relate to being of the devil :) Keep it up!

Diane said...

When I get to Seattle and I pass you by, you'll know why. You're looking great! But even better, you're doing all the things you need to do stay healthy and strong.

You are an inspiration to me. I'm going to get going too. (But no burpies or those side plank things for me...)