Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 27, Second Weigh-In

So, the bad news is purely numbers… 4.5 pounds down since weigh-in #1. The good news is, for the month, I’m down 17 pounds, I’ve lost several inches in the core area and I went down a pant size. I can feel my muscle mass getting stronger (I can truly say I love my shoulders) and my trainer worked my upper body and core to my max yesterday and I’m hardly sore this morning! I also love that my team is getting closer. We were cheering each other on last night and seeing some great results. It is fun to have that camaraderie among people with similar goals.

I hope everyone feels the love this Valentine’s Day. I am grateful for my family, my health and the serving of bread and chocolate I am allowing myself today. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Diane said...

Congratulations! You're doing so well!

Kylee Maughan said...

Wow. You look amazing! Numbers mean nothing now! It's all about inches and muscle! So great!!

Unknown said...

you look so good Tracy!!!! GOOD JOB :) love ya

Amy Hermes Anderson (AHA) said...

you are doing such a great job, Trace!