Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 42, Third Weigh-in

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. I started out week 5 with a major plateau and worked with my trainer to tweak a few things in order to maximize my metabolism. The biggest change is eating/drinking little amounts every 2-3 hours and drinking tons of water. Yes, I live in the bathroom. I've been reading a lot about fitness and nutrition and the importance of revving up the metabolism. The worst thing to do is skip meals or drastically reduce the number of calories (under 800) a day. I do for a fact know that I am getting stronger and that I am gaining muscle. I've lost 4 inches off my abdomen, which is my significant trouble spot. I got my box out of storage with the smallest size I kept and everything fits! It will be time to go shopping soon!

My phone, lights and the mirror do not always cooperate, but here is a progress picture and one from the first day. Can you see a change?

Day One: Jan 17th
Day 42: Feb 28th

Here are the results of the weigh-in tonight: 

After six weeks on this program I've lost 21.5 pounds. I'm now 13th on the rankings list from my gym.

From my highest weight I've lost 60.5 pounds. Wow!

I'm not quite on target to reach my 50 pound/90 day goal, but I'm not too discouraged as I know I'm doing all I can and not cheating or skipping work-outs. Even if I don't make it to 50 by April 17th, I will make it in 2012 and that's all I need!


Diane said...

Wow! You are doing an amazing job. It's the self-discipline that is so hard to maintain. Good for you!!

Layne said...

WOW! You are looking so good! Keep it up- you are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

You look amazing! You're on well on your way to your goal. Keep going.